
JANUARY 31, 2025:  Gas service has been fully and safely restored to the area around Kramer Drive in Clarksburg, WV. Learn more.

Welcome former Standard Gas, Bazzle Gas, McIntosh Gas & Oil and Ross & Wharton Gas customers! Effective June 1, 2024, Hope Gas is your new natural gas company. We look forward to serving you! Learn more.
Welcome former Consumers Gas customers! Effective September 20, 2024, Hope Gas is your new natural gas company. We look forward to serving you! Learn more.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR FORMER PEOPLES GAS WV CUSTOMERS: Starting on September 3, 2024, you will be fully transitioned to the Hope Gas systems for customer service, billing and online account management. Your emergency numbers and customer service numbers will change on September 3rd. Learn more.

Welcome to Hope Gas! Your safety is our top priority!

On September 20, 2024, Hope Gas acquired Consumers Gas. We are excited to serve as your natural gas distribution company. Hope Gas proudly provides safe and reliable natural gas service to approximately 140,000 homes and businesses throughout the Mountain State. We have proudly served West Virginia customers for 125 years. Our expert team of over 450 employees operates and maintains more than 7000 miles of natural gas pipelines.

There will be a transition period as customer service, billing and operations technology is updated to the Hope Gas systems. During this transition period, you will continue to call your existing contact numbers in cases of emergency or for customer service and billing inquiries. The numbers you should use for emergency and customer service inquiries are:

Huntington Division: 304-523-9223
Pennsboro Division: 1-800-339-1872
Spencer Division: 1-800-339-1872

As your new natural gas distribution company, here's what you can expect from Hope Gas.

  • Pipeline Maintenance. The top priority of Hope Gas is to provide safe and reliable service to our customers. Our operations team monitors and maintains our distribution pipelines and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to respond to natural gas emergencies.

    Your gas emergency hotline number has not changed. Please continue to call the numbers above for any natural gas emergencies during this transition period. 

  • Safety Checks. The Hope Gas team will be conducting safety checks of pipelines and natural gas equipment, such as meters, service lines and appliances, in your area.

    Should Hope Gas personnel identify safety issues with the natural gas system, repairs will need to be made. If the safety issue is on Hope Gas owned equipment, such as the main line or meter, Hope Gas will cover all costs associated with the repair. However, there is a chance there are safety issues with the house lines or appliances that are owned by the customer. In this case, Hope Gas is required to turn off gas service until repairs are made. The cost of repairs will be the customer’s responsibility.
  • Monthly Billing. Starting in September, former Consumers Gas customers will see a change in rates. This change in rates will be reflected on the bill you receive in October. You will begin receiving a bill with a combination of rates approved by the Public Service Commission of West Virginia (“PSC”), as well as the PSC approved Hope Gas Legacy Surcharge rate. This bill will be for the gas service you used the month before. Your monthly bill will be comprised of a Customer Charge (CC) and a Gas Charge.
  • Customer Charge. The monthly Customer Charge covers certain fixed costs that are incurred each month regardless of the amount of gas used by customers. This charge includes such things as meter reading, billing, customer accounting, operating and maintenance expenses. The residential Customer Charge will now include a fixed PGA charge of $7.51.
  • Gas Charge. The Gas Charge is comprised of rates previously approved by the PSC and is based on the amount of gas you use each month. It includes a pass-through of the cost for natural gas, as well as the cost of delivering natural gas to your home or business through the Hope Gas distribution system. You will see a reduction in the price of your volumetric gas charge.

    Part of the Gas Charge is a Legacy Surcharge. The Legacy Surcharge is a new charge for former Consumers Gas customers. The Legacy Surcharge is based on Hope’s current Pipeline Replacement and Expansion Program (PREP) rate. All Hope Gas customers are charged either a PREP rate or a Legacy Surcharge. Hope’s PREP and Legacy Surcharge dollars are used to modernize pipeline infrastructure to ensure the continued delivery of safe service during the coldest temperatures to our customers and increase reliable gas service to thousands of homes and businesses throughout West Virginia.

    The Legacy Surcharge will be replaced with Hope’s Pipeline Replacement and Expansion Program (PREP) rates in the future as approved by the PSC.
  • All rates are approved by the Public Service Commission of West Virginia (PSC). You can learn more about the PSC at More information on Understanding Your Bill is available at Pay Bill – Hope Gas.
    • Payment Options. During the transition period, you do not need to make any changes to how you pay your bill. If you pay by check, please make your checks payable to Hope Gas.

      If you are struggling to pay your bills and need assistance, Hope Gas is here to help! Former Consumers Gas customers are now eligible for assistance from the Dollar Energy Fund, a non-profit organization. Eligible households can receive a grant from Dollar Energy Fund that is applied directly to your gas bill.
    • Customer Service. Our Morgantown, WV based customer service team is looking forward to serving you! During the transition period, you will continue to call your existing numbers for customer service inquiries.

    The Hope Gas team looks forward to providing you with safe and reliable natural gas service! We will provide updates and information on any changes you will experience during the transition period. Again, welcome to Hope Gas!

    Gas Rates & Tariffs for former Consumer Gas customers.