Welcome to Hope Gas! Your safety is our top priority!
On September 20, 2024, Hope Gas acquired Consumers Gas. We are excited to serve as your natural gas distribution company. Hope Gas proudly provides safe and reliable natural gas service to approximately 140,000 homes and businesses throughout the Mountain State. We have proudly served West Virginia customers for 125 years. Our expert team of over 450 employees operates and maintains more than 7000 miles of natural gas pipelines.
There will be a transition period as customer service, billing and operations technology is updated to the Hope Gas systems. During this transition period, you will continue to call your existing contact numbers in cases of emergency or for customer service and billing inquiries. The numbers you should use for emergency and customer service inquiries are:
Huntington Division: 304-523-9223
Pennsboro Division: 1-800-339-1872
Spencer Division: 1-800-339-1872
As your new natural gas distribution company, here's what you can expect from Hope Gas.
The Hope Gas team looks forward to providing you with safe and reliable natural gas service! We will provide updates and information on any changes you will experience during the transition period. Again, welcome to Hope Gas!