Volunteerism at Hope Gas
Our employees are always ready to lend a helping hand to organizations that need one; we arrive on site, equipped with necessary tools and supplies, and spend the day doing whatever it takes to complete a community vitality project. If your organization is interested in working with Hope Gas to organize volunteers, please contact Christine Mitchell at 304-812-2394.
Here are a recent highlights:

On September 8, 2016 Hope Gas employees helped the Lewis County 4-H Foundation Center in Jane Lew complete much-needed landscaping and other improvements to allow for safe access and egress for the 185 children from 10 4-H Chapters in the county that utilize the center for meetings and events.
Workers installed weed barrier under the deck and access ramp to help with maintenance, created a walkway using railroad ties and pavers, erected a 100-year old dinner bell that was donated by a local, long-time educator in the county, and a 4-H themed birdhouse that was also constructed and donated by another Lewis Countian. A great lunch was prepared by Deb Walker and her husband, who oversee the facility. The deck railing was cleaned off in preparation of another coat of stain before winter sets in. Additional gravel was placed near the accessibility ramp to allow for closer parking to make the facility ADA compliant.